Money is the product of commodity exchange. China is the first country in the world to use coinage. There are many bronze shells unearthed in the late Yin and Shang Dynasties 3000 years ago, which are the most primitive metal coins. In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, in addition to the shell coins, some metal weighing coins, such as scattered copper blocks and copper ingots, were also circulated, which were also unearthed in archaeological excavations. China's coins have created and broken many of the world's most and China's most. With the popularity of collecting antiques, the collection of coins is often the focus of most collectors, among which the silver coins of the Qing Dynasty in Xuantong three years are the most popular in recent years.

Quxulong the dragon in the Qing Dynasty. It's named for its short and curved beard. It's lifted against the long beard dragon. The silver coins of the Qing Dynasty in the third year of Xuantong began to be minted in 1911, and many types of silver coins were minted. However, due to various reasons, only the silver coins of the three years of Xuantong in the "quxulong" version were officially minted and circulated, and the other types belonged to the trial minted sample coins, which had not been used in circulation. Therefore, the silver coins of the three years of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty seen by the people were not many types of "quxulong".

此大清银币宣统三年壹圆曲须龙,品相精致,色泽明亮,成色匀整,图文精美,纹饰考究,工艺精湛,钱币正面环两珠圈,小珠圈内部印制“大清银币”四个大字,外珠圈内上环满文、下环汉文“宣统三年”字样,两侧使用菊花纹进行装饰;钱背印“壹圆”面值,外围是一条威武的曲须龙,首尾相接,腾云驾雾,体态神俊,威风凛凛,外圈底部印有英文版的“ONE DOLLAR”小字。历经岁月洗礼,钱币仍然纹饰清晰,银色璀璨,品相完好,它的收藏价值不言而喻。具有极高的升值空间和纪念研究价值,是不可多得的保藏古泉!
Quxulong the dragon in the Qing Dynasty. It's named for its short and curved beard. It's lifted against the long beard dragon. The silver coins of the Qing Dynasty in the third year of Xuantong began to be minted in 1911, and many types of silver coins were minted. However, due to various reasons, only the silver coins of the three years of Xuantong in the "quxulong" version were officially minted and circulated, and the other types belonged to the trial minted sample coins, which had not been used in circulation. Therefore, the silver coins of the three years of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty seen by the people were not many types of "quxulong".

此大清银币宣统三年壹圆曲须龙,品相精致,色泽明亮,成色匀整,图文精美,纹饰考究,工艺精湛,钱币正面环两珠圈,小珠圈内部印制“大清银币”四个大字,外珠圈内上环满文、下环汉文“宣统三年”字样,两侧使用菊花纹进行装饰;钱背印“壹圆”面值,外围是一条威武的曲须龙,首尾相接,腾云驾雾,体态神俊,威风凛凛,外圈底部印有英文版的“ONE DOLLAR”小字。历经岁月洗礼,钱币仍然纹饰清晰,银色璀璨,品相完好,它的收藏价值不言而喻。
The silver coin of the Qing Dynasty has a three-year history of Xuantong. It is 26.8g in weight, 39mm in diameter, delicate in appearance, bright in color, even in color, exquisite in graphics and text, exquisite in design and craftsmanship. It has two bead rings on the front, four characters of "silver coin of the Qing Dynasty" printed inside the small bead ring, Manchu characters on the top and Han characters on the bottom in the outer bead ring, and chrysanthemum patterns on both sides. The back of the coin is decorated Printed with the face value of "one yuan", it is surrounded by a powerful quxulong, with the head and tail connected, flying in the clouds, the body is divine and handsome, majestic, and the English version of "one dollar" is printed on the bottom of the outer circle. After years of baptism, coins still have clear patterns, bright silver and intact appearance. Its collection value is self-evident.

此枚宣统年大清银币是黄先生收藏的珍品,这枚宣统年大清银币品相精致,色泽明亮,成色匀整,图文精美,纹饰考究,工艺精湛,钱币正面环两珠圈,小珠圈内部印制“大清银币”四个大字,外珠圈内上环满文、下环汉文“宣统三年”字样,两侧使用菊花纹进行装饰;钱背印“壹圆”面值,外围是一条威武的曲须龙,首尾相接,腾云驾雾,体态神俊,威风凛凛,外圈底部印有英文版的“ONE DOLLAR”小字。历经岁月洗礼,钱币仍然纹饰清晰,银色璀璨,品相完好,收藏价值极高。