《第四套人民币全套同号钞珍藏册》由中国人民银行发行的第四套币全套9种券别组成,包括100元、50元、10元、5元、2元、1元、5角、2角、1角各一张,且从1角至100元的8位数号码全部是一样的,豪华定位册及证书,全国仅发行2.5万册, 第四套人民币同号钞珍藏册是人民币连体钞的开山藏品,在面世之初并没有得到认可,被大量人为裁切,造成存世量的锐减。2004年起,第四套人民币同号钞珍藏册在经过慢热期后进入快速升值通道,受益于第四套即将推出流通的和第四套整版钞的强势表现,四连体上攻走势接近“陡峭”。如今,第四套整版钞已稳坐“钞王”宝座不可撼摇,第四套四连体以“同门手足”的身份,凭借其相对亲民的低价位、权威严肃的题材性和稀缺的存世量累积了不逊于“钞王”第四套整版钞的升值业绩与人气,未来必与“钞王”起头并举,演绎“以小投资博取大回报”的黑马神话,其收藏价值和升值潜力相当巨大。

"The Fourth Collection of Renminbi Banknotes with the Same Number" is composed of a full set of 9 types of notes issued by the People's Bank of China, including 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, and 50 yuan. , 2 jiao, 1 jiao each, and the 8-digit numbers from 1 jiao to 100 yuan are all the same, luxury location book and certificate, only 25,000 copies issued nationwide, the fourth set of RMB banknotes with the same number collection book is The original collection of RMB conjoined banknotes was not recognized at the beginning of its appearance, and was cut by a large number of people, resulting in a sharp decline in the stock of the world. Since 2004, the fourth set of RMB banknotes of the same number has entered a rapid appreciation channel after a slow-heat period. Benefiting from the strong performance of the fourth set of upcoming banknotes and the fourth set of full-page banknotes, the four-piece upswing trend Close to "steep". Nowadays, the fourth set of full-page banknotes has firmly established itself on the throne of the "Come King". The fourth set of Siamese has the identity of "same brothers and feet", with its relatively low price, authoritative and serious subject matter and scarcity. The stock of the world has accumulated the appreciation performance and popularity that are not inferior to the fourth set of full-page banknotes of the "Come King". The appreciation potential is huge.

第四套人民币是筹划设计时间最长的一套人民币,从1967年1月总行提出设计第四套人民币的设想,到1985年5月定案,历时18年,这期间经历了曲曲折折,排除了各种极左干扰,最终避免了第四套人民币在设计上的灾难。1967年1月,中国人民银行总行向国务院反映了湖北机械学院部分群众对人民币1元券天安门上没有毛主席像、红旗和标语提出尖锐批评的情况,同时提出了新版人民币的设计设想。同年2月,李先念批示:“应准备一套新版人民币,设计图景要多反映些生产关系方面的题材,克服第三套人民币生产力题材多的问题。” 1968年7月16日,总行第一次向国务院报送新版人民币设计方案初稿,主要以“三突出”(突出毛主席的光辉形象、突出毛泽东思想、突出毛主席的革命路线)和“两个反映”(反映无产阶级文化大革命、反映社会主义革命和建设)为主题思想,当时受到周总理的严肃批评。1969年4月8日,总行第二次向国务院上报新版人民币设计稿,票券画面主要是反映极左的内容,仍未获批准,后因林彪反党集团覆灭而作罢。1975年11月18日,财政部(当时中国人民银行与财政部合并)第三次向国务院上报设计印制新版人民币的报告,设计方案的图稿主要反映社会主义新生事物和工农兵形象,如知识青年上山下乡、工农兵上大学、农业学大寨、工业学大庆等,同年12月29日李先念批示:“放一放再说。”1976年5月10日再次请示,李先念批示:“暂时不办。” 以上上报的三套方案内容均是“文化大革命”极左思想的反映,由于在党中央、国务院的正确路线指导下,均被一一排除,使极左思潮未能反映在国币上。在第四套人民币设计过程中,1981年7月6日,总行就根据市场货币流通量猛增的实际情况,指示设计3种大面额票券,即20元、50元、100元,由北京印钞厂设计为以泰山、新华门、人民大会堂、三峡、天安门、长城为正背面主景的3种票券。11月4日总行正式上报关于印制发行3种大面额票券的报告,详细陈述理由,但此件未被批准。1984年2月29日,总行再次上报印制大面额票券的报告,3月4日国务院批示:“同意付印,何时发行另行报批。”10月23日总行上报关于公布新版人民币时间及改变大面额票券设计主题的请示,陈述了原设计3种大面额票券与批准的1角至10 元券设计主题不一致,重新组织专家设计,并取消20元券,50元正面用工人、农民、知识分子头像,背面用黄河图,100元正面用毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、朱德四位领袖像,背面用井冈山全景,并将两张票券作为第四套人民币的配套面额。1985年5月,国务院常务会议讨论批准。至此,第四套人民币整套设计完成。

The fourth set of renminbi is the longest set of renminbi that has been planned and designed. It took 18 years from the head office's proposal to design the fourth set of renminbi in January 1967 to the finalization in May 1985. During this period, it experienced twists and turns. All kinds of ultra-left interference were avoided, and finally the design disaster of the fourth set of RMB was avoided. In January 1967, the Head Office of the People's Bank of China reported to the State Council that some people in Hubei Institute of Mechanical Engineering had sharply criticized the absence of Chairman Mao's portrait, red flags and slogans on Tiananmen Square, and proposed a new version of the yuan. In February of the same year, Li Xiannian instructed: "A new set of RMB should be prepared, and the design landscape should reflect more themes of production relations, and overcome the problem of the third set of RMB productivity." July 16, 1968, the head office for the first time Submit the first draft of the new version of the RMB design plan to the State Council, mainly with "three highlights" (highlighting Chairman Mao’s glorious image, highlighting Mao Zedong Thought, highlighting Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line) and "two reflections" (reflecting the proletarian cultural revolution and reflecting society Revolution and construction) as the main theme, which was severely criticized by Premier Zhou at that time. On April 8, 1969, the head office submitted a new version of the RMB design draft to the State Council for the second time. The ticket screen mainly reflected the ultra-left content, which was still not approved. Later, the Lin Biao anti-party group fell. On November 18, 1975, the Ministry of Finance (the People's Bank of China merged with the Ministry of Finance) reported to the State Council for the third time a report on the design and printing of a new version of RMB. The drafts of the design plan mainly reflected new socialist things and the image of workers, peasants and soldiers, such as Intellectual youth went to the mountains and the countryside, workers, peasants and soldiers went to university, studied agriculture in Dazhai, and studied industry in Daqing. On December 29 of the same year, Li Xiannian instructed: "Let it go before you say it." No." The contents of the three sets of plans reported above are all reflections of the ultra-left thinking of the "Cultural Revolution." Because they were ruled out under the correct line of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the ultra-left thinking was not reflected in the country. Currency. In the fourth set of RMB design process, on July 6, 1981, the head office instructed the design of three large-denomination bills, namely 20 yuan, 50 yuan, and 100 yuan, according to the actual situation of the market currency circulation. The banknote printing factory is designed as 3 types of tickets with Mount Tai, Xinhua Gate, Great Hall of the People, Three Gorges, Tiananmen Square, and Great Wall as the main scenery on the front and back. On November 4, the head office officially submitted a report on the printing and issuance of three large-denomination tickets, stating the reasons in detail, but this was not approved. On February 29, 1984, the head office once again submitted a report on the printing of large-denomination coupons. On March 4, the State Council issued an order: "Agree to be printed, and when will be issued separately for approval." On October 23, the head office reported on the time and change of the new version of RMB The request for the design theme of the large denomination ticket stated that the original design of the three large denomination tickets is inconsistent with the approved design theme of the 1 to 10 yuan coupon. The expert design was reorganized and the 20 yuan coupon was cancelled. The 50 yuan was used for workers and farmers. , Intellectual heads, with a picture of the Yellow River on the back, four leaders of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and Zhu De on the front for 100 yuan, and a panoramic view of Jinggang Mountain on the back. Two tickets are used as the fourth set of RMB denominations. In May 1985, the State Council executive meeting discussed and approved. So far, the fourth set of RMB design has been completed.

The fourth set of RMB has been carefully designed in patterns and decorations, and has also been carefully adjusted in the adoption, standardization and sta ndardization of characters. The full set of tickets not only continue to use the Mongolian, Tibetan, Uighur and Zhuang ethnic minority languages to facilitate the use of people in ethnic minority areas, but also add Braille symbols to the main currency of more than 1 yuan, which reflects the party and government’s Care for the disabled. The fourth set of renminbi also absorbed the results of the country's sorting and simplification of Chinese characters, and all standardized Chinese characters were used on the ticket, but the font still used Mr. Ma Wenwei's "Zhang Hei Nu" stele. One is to change traditional characters to simplified characters. Paper is the main material for printing banknotes. The main component of RMB banknote paper is short cotton lint. The paper is smooth, tough, resistant to folding, has good stiffness, and has a certain degree of chemical resistance. It can be used for a long time without being easily damaged. In the fourth set of renminbi, except for the three dime currency notes without watermarks, the main currency uses watermarks for anti-counterfeiting. In order to meet the needs of economic development and further improve China's currency system to facilitate circulation and transaction accounting, the People's Bank of China issued the fourth set of Renminbi on April 27, 1987. The fourth set of Renminbi is a complete set, which contains the fourth set of Renminbi issued by the People’s Bank of China with 9 denominations and 14 different types. The new appearance not only has practical value, but also has high artistic value.