【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 王志安!
来源:未知 作者:li8i9ue 日期:2021年09月10日




Mr. Wang, born in 1944, began to study calligraphy and painting art at the age of 5 and has been studying for more than 70 years. Mr. Wang Zhian graduated from the Department of fine arts of Northwest Normal University. He is now the honorary president of Gansu Majiayao Culture Research Association and the president of Majiayao Culture Research Institute of Northwest University for nationalities.



Mr. Wang's life experience is very rich. He also has a special life refining experience. However, Mr. Wang was not knocked down because of his special experience, but he used this time to study a lot, read books to improve himself and sublimate himself. In the 1990s, he founded the Majiayao Culture Research Association of Lintao county at the site of Majiayao culture site in his hometown. After that, with excellent research results, the county-level Research Association was successfully promoted to Gansu Majiayao Culture Research Association. His persistent expression of cultural research and artistic pursuit has been recognized by the society. He expanded the research of Majiayao culture to many disciplines such as art, philosophy, anthropology, ethnology, and became the first person to study Majiayao culture in Chinese folk. In 2003, he officially founded the first non-state-owned Majiayao painted pottery culture museum in China, which has collected a number of extremely precious painted pottery cultural relics. Many painted pottery are unique at home and abroad. In 2005, he served as the president of Majiayao Culture Research Institute of Northwest University for nationalities, so he was also the first person to bring Majiayao culture from folk research into the university hall. In the "mysterious Chinese painted pottery" broadcast on CCTV 10 in 2006, he, as the keynote speaker, described his wonderful interpretation of the originality of Majiayao patterns.



Mr. Wang has deep attainments in the art of calligraphy and painting. Based on Mr. Wang's rich collection of painted pottery and in-depth study of Majiayao culture for many years, Majiayao culture has produced a strange artistic effect in his mind, which has subtly integrated the painted pottery culture and calligraphy art, and injected new inspiration into his artistic creation of calligraphy and painting, Formed a rich source of his artistic creation. Mr. Wang Zhian has been working in the creation garden of calligraphy art for many years and has formed his own unique artistic style and cultural style. Sun Qifeng spoke highly of his calligraphy, saying that his calligraphy: "strong, dangerous, sharp, good at taking potential, proficient and natural, soft with hardness, simple and changeable." Mr. Shen Peng said of his thin gold book: "the style of writing is ancient and elegant, the pen is clean and neat, the structure is simple and convenient, and the law is strict. Although the characters are independent, the charm is smooth and the connection is natural. Its shape is slightly vertical, its center of gravity is stable, and the middle palace is open. The aesthetic orientation is centered on the positive rather than the strange and dangerous. " Mr. Luo Yang said of his calligraphy: "the teacher is ancient but not mud. He has new ideas. His pen is fine and his ink is exquisite and superb. He is a typical scholar calligrapher. " He said, "his eyes are not fixed on the market of fame and wealth, but on the colorful culture and art world. Therefore, when we see his calligraphy, we can feel a kind of tranquility in the noisy red world and an elegance in the restless calligraphy world."



Mr. Wang's rich achievements in the research field of Majiayao culture have directly driven his artistic inspiration, touched and expanded his cultural and artistic feelings, and aroused his deep artistic creation vitality. Based on the profound cultural tradition of the Chinese nation and solid artistic skills, he created his own distinctive artistic style in the field of calligraphy. In 2013, he was one of the 30 calligraphers with the most academic value and market potential in contemporary China. Throughout his amazing achievements in the field of literature, Majiayao cultural research and calligraphy and painting art creation, his calligraphy has written his own face and cultural style. He is a really excellent calligraphy artist in our great era.






[Mr. Luo Yang comments on Wang Zhian]:

Mr. Luo Yang said: Mr. Wang Zhian is a calligrapher with both ink and text. He himself is a scholar and expert studying Majiayao culture. At the same time, he also loves the art of calligraphy. In my opinion, excellent calligraphy works should have literary connotation, poetic artistic conception, dance melody and music rhythm. As an excellent calligrapher, he should have profound cultural interest, profound knowledge and special life experience. His calligraphy can show his style and charm. Then Mr. Wang Zhian has a kind of charm, An artist different from fan Xiang's life experience, so in his calligraphy, we can see that the teacher is not mud, has new ideas, and is more superb. People's calligraphy is old and has been tempered. I also hope that through this exhibition, Mr. Wang Zhian can go to a higher level, with endless pen and spring painting, and always blooming.

Mr. Luo Yang is a former member of the presidium of the China Federation of literary and art circles, director of the general office, special researcher of the Central Museum of literature and history and director of the Chinese Calligrapher Association. The above words come from Mr. Luo Yang's answer to reporters at the opening ceremony of Wang Zhian's Beijing Calligraphy Exhibition.



我在甘肃工作期间一直很关注王志安先生,他有特殊的人生阅历,也有系统的艺术训练,又有执着的马家窑文化情怀。在甘肃,在国内,从书画艺术角度,从马家窑文化学者的角度,他是一位有分量的,值得大家提起的优秀艺术家和学者。 我离开甘肃以后也一直关心马家窑文化艺术的研究,包括新近出现的一些成果,也一直关注王志安先生书画艺术的发展和学术研究。最近去临夏参加了一次马家窑彩陶学术研讨活动,我深深感觉到我们国家最近这几年,因为有像王志安这样愿意坐冷板凳,不图名不图利的纯粹学者对马家窑彩陶文化的执着关注,使得我们国家在新石器以后,彩陶文化研究领域,对马家窑的看法和评价发生了很大的提升,认为马家窑彩陶文化是中国“仰韶文化”最典型的代表,具有世界级的意义,这种学术评价是在不断发展过程中的。现在这个评价越来越受到业内学者充分一致的肯定,这里头有着王志安先生的功劳。


Mr. Lianji talks about Wang Zhian's calligraphy art:

During my work in Gansu, I always paid close attention to Mr. Wang Zhian. He has special life experience, systematic art training and persistent cultural feelings of Majiayao. In Gansu, in China, from the perspective of calligraphy and painting art and Majiayao cultural scholars, he is an outstanding artist and scholar worthy of mentioning. Since I left Gansu, I have always been concerned about the research of Majiayao culture and art, including some recent achievements, as well as the development and academic research of Mr. Wang Zhian's calligraphy and painting art. Recently, I went to Linxia to participate in an academic seminar on Majiayao painted pottery. I deeply feel that in recent years, because pure scholars like Wang Zhian are willing to sit on the bench and do not seek fame or profit, they pay persistent attention to Majiayao painted pottery culture, which makes our country in the field of painted pottery culture research after the Neolithic age, The view and evaluation of Majiayao have been greatly improved. It is considered that Majiayao painted pottery culture is the most typical representative of China's "Yangshao culture" and has world-class significance. This academic evaluation is in the process of continuous development. Now this evaluation has been fully and unanimously affirmed by scholars in the industry, which is due to Mr. Wang Zhian.




Why does he pay attention to Majiayao? I think there are several. First, he is a sentimental scholar who grew up in the local area. His understanding of Majiayao itself comes from his blood, from his life experience and from the nourishment of local history and culture. Second, he himself learned art from an early age, so his academic experience made him pay more attention to the historical and cultural information, aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic interests embodied and displayed in Majiayao painted pottery than ordinary people, and the expression and display of human childhood cultural and artistic achievements in the development of Chinese traditional culture. This is the second reason why he pays attention to Majiayao. Third, as an artist himself, in addition to engaging in the artistic practice of calligraphy and painting, he also wants to spend more time on the research of Majiayao culture to enrich his artistic experience, artistic thought and academic achievements, so that he can not only become an accomplished practical artist, but also gradually grow into an academic ideal Scholars with academic character and academic achievements have achieved both.





His calligraphy achievements are higher than his paintings. First, he also has his academic accumulation and theoretical guidance of calligraphy. Second, he has his own paradigm or example. In regular , he may study writing methods such as thin gold style more. Running  is his main direction. One of the characteristics of his running  is that he is very young. He is over seventy years old, but look at his characters and energetic enthusiasm with upward, healthy and positive energy, which are fully reflected in his calligraphy. I think he likes to write with a wolf hair, a vigorous brush and a center. He is very sure that he likes a very correct structure, expounds the lines and quality of each stroke in place, and runs through the whole layout of the plan at one go. Looking at his words, we will feel that we will become young, strong and vigorous, which makes a deep impression on me.

[note]: Mr. Lianji is the former president of China Academy of art and the director of intangible cultural heritage center. This article is a speech by Mr. Lian Ji at Mr. Wang Zhian's Beijing Calligraphy Exhibition seminar.

